Die Possessivpronomen (the possessive pronouns ) – GERMANIA. Bianca OlgutaGerman · German Grammar Tables - Beginner and Intermediate Level 


In German the two sets of forms are quite similar (for example, the genitive of ich "I" is meiner, the corresponding possessive pronoun is also meiner in the masculine singular nominative, and the possessive determiner is mein with various endings).

Possessive adjectives in German are the same as possessive pronouns.. Possessive adjectives are adjectives that indicate ownership. In other words, they describe to whom Possessive pronouns - Easy Learning Grammar German. In the second, mine is a possessive pronoun. A possessive pronoun is one of the words mine, yours, hers, his, ours or theirs, which are used instead of a noun to show that one thing or person belongs to another, for example, Ask Carol if this pen is hers. Learn German | Possessive Pronouns | Nominative case | German for beginners | A1 - Lesson 24 - YouTube.

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’ ‘ It's mine. ’ The form is the same for singular and plural. ‘ Whose pens are these? ’ ‘ They're mine A pronoun is a word used in place of a noun. For example, in English language, Harry is a doctor.

You can wear mine, if you like. We use Whose …?

Each possessive pronoun has a different form depending on whether the item is an en word, ett word, or a plural noun. For example: if the subject is jag, the 

Possessive pronouns in German are similar to possessive adjectives.. You can use them without a noun.

German Possessive Pronoun Definition: In German, a possessive pronoun (or possessive adjective) never occurs with an article. An expression like einer meiner Freunde is not an exception to this rule, because it is a genitive meaning "one of my friends".

We use possessive pronouns to talk about things that belong to somebody. These are my books and those are yours.

Possessive pronouns german

If we repeat the noun, it’s not a pronoun anymore. What are possessive pronouns in German? Possessive pronouns are used to indicate ownership or affiliation.
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The 7 Types of German Pronoun · #1 Personal Pronouns · #2 Reflexive Pronouns · #3 Possessive Pronouns · #4 Indefinite Pronouns · #5 Interrogative Pronouns · #6  The possessive pronouns (mein-, dein-, unser-, etc.) are almost identical in form to the genitive pronouns but they directly modify their attribute and could be  Possessive pronouns[edit]. Possessive pronouns are formed by adding endings to the genitive case of the personal pronoun,  28 Nov 2020 For e.g.

In the following, I’d like to show you two tables that will you German personal pronouns in singular and plural. Meinem, deinem, ihrem, unserem, etc.: German possessive pronouns in the dative case Posted by Sandra Rösner on Jan 21, 2013 in Grammar, Language In two of my previous post, I have already written about possessive pronouns in the nominative case and possessive pronouns in the genitive case. Translations in context of "possessive pronouns" in English-German from Reverso Context: In other cases, possessive pronouns are used.
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Print German Possessive Pronouns Worksheet 1. You've bought a new house ( das Haus ) and as you're driving your friend to see it, you make them guess which one it is.

This can be confusing, because the term “possessive pronoun” can be used as an umbrella term for both dependent and independent possessive articles traditionally. This goes for both German and English. For the purposes of this article, when I say “possessive pronouns”, I am referring to possessive determiners that go with a noun. Possessive pronouns are declinable. This means that they change depending on the context in which they are used.